
Tracking solution for the creative industry

Replace the multiple pieces of software used in the business with one bespoke project management tool to run business operations more efficiently.

Months ago Big Lazy Panda were grappling with their project management. They had no way of tracking their success or spotting issues early. Founder Brad Powell was struggling to find the right solution - until he met us.

"It has created that safety net that we always needed, it creates insurance and security." - Brad Powell, founder, Big Lazy Panda

Big Lazy Panda (B.L.P.) is a creative boutique that specialises in visual effects. Once their client is done editing a cut, B.L.P. starts receiving a flow of individual shots to work on. Each shot has its own long list of VFX tasks, and that’s hundreds of shots per episode, per show. And all this at the fast, unforgiving pace of television production.

To keep track of all the projects, tasks and invoices, B.L.P. built a complicated spreadsheet. They also used FileMaker - a software that generates quotes and bids and creates a task list of itemised work with price tag - and TSheets - software to track each employee’s time on each job. These tools didn’t work together, or with the spreadsheet.

"That’s when I came to the conclusion that all these things should be talking to each other so that I could see some live actuals" Brad recalls. "I didn’t know if we were breaking even, if we were losing money or making great money."

Brad was also concerned about the risks that spreadsheets hold. He always felt on edge thinking about the possibility of his master spreadsheet being wiped out, costing him the loss of a lot of historical information and hours to rebuild the system.

Big Lazy Panda needed a bespoke solution. Something that would allow all their tools to work together, featuring all the functionality Brad needed but no extra clunky add-ons. That’s where we came in.

We suggested the PWA, the progressive web app, as the most suitable way to go. We built bespoke project management software for VFX shot tracking and estimates, giving different levels of access to privileged users, artist users, and accountant users.

To solve B.L.P.’s biggest problems, the new software will:

  • Eliminate the operational risk,
  • Reduce time spent on project management,
  • Unify the process of tracking and maintaining the bids and time spent on tasks,
  • Monitor invoices,
  • Send notifications.

It replaces the multiple pieces of software that used to represent B.L.P.’s project management and brings everything into one place. It bridges the gap between the quote and the project list and simplifies the conversation within the production team, the managers and the accountants. It eliminates redundant and repetitive tasks, saving a lot of time as well as frustration, and it virtually removes the risks of human error, such as entering wrong data or forgetting to send an invoice.

To read the full case study, download it here.

Client: B.L.P.
Technologies: JavaScript, BackBoneJS, PHP, MySQL
Platform: WebApp, backend admin panel
Year: 2020

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